Thursday 7 April 2011

Good news- my ankle is feeling a LOT better and should be all fixed in time for performance! I can actually walk without wincing now, although running is a really bad idea, and I've managed to catch up on the stuff I missed out on. Feeling pretty positive right now- I got an internal assessment back today and I got an E as well, so I'm in a pretty good mood right now! Hehe.

I keep having the same dreams. It's weird- I don't normally have recurring dreams, so maybe if this is a reflection of my subconscious mind it's something I haven't solved yet. I really don't understand what it could be though! What does a besuited man who wants to give me a hug and a constant ticking noise got to do with anything? I even got a couple of books on dream interpretation out from the library and couldn't find anything.

Ary says a lot of the stuff in these books is garbage for superstitious people, and if you think about it unless your dreams are just brain vomit full of random-ass shit, you can figure out what your subconscious is rambling about. Her words exactly. Ary's pretty sensible, so I'm trying to take her advice, but I keep getting this feeling that this is important.

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